Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dudley Debate

Last night the two remaining candidates duked it out debate style to win the hearts and minds of the voters in PA and beyond. I'll tell who wasn't the big winner last night....the viewers. I made it through approximately one hour of the shenanigans on ABC before I wished I was watching Robocop 2 again. That Officer Murphy played by Peter Weller really knows a thing or two about street justice. I would have liked to see him asking the questions of the two candidates rather than the 45 minute inquisition about past mistakes. Good grief. I'm shocked we haven't learned whether or not Sens. Clinton and Obama would like to take back that second snickers bar they ate after lunch in the second grade. Anyway, I thought the most important thing to happen during the debate was that Barack Obama looked and sounded exhausted. Hillary, too, sounded tired, but less so than her opponent. This effect was probably aided by the maniacal smile plastered on her face as questions were lobbed Obama's way regarding Clinton's Bosnia stance in the nineties. Overall, I give this debate four thumbs down. 

1 comment:

Seth said...

i could not agree more. i HOPE barack looks more energized next time i see him on tv - his debate skills in general really scare me. but then again it didn't really hurt g-dub 4 and 8 years ago. and it's more about keeping inspiring and keeping the energy alive for citizen-fueled change.