Thursday, July 3, 2008

The More They Talk About Change....

....the more they stay the same. The buzzword of this election season is "change" - and from the looks of it, someone is going to be swept into the highest office in the land riding the wings of that elusive bird. Unfortunately for those who are buying into this idea of change I have some bad news: hypocrisy. Barack Obama's plan was to be a man of the people and run his election using federal dollars; but, an endorsement from Oprah and a few hundred million dollars later, he is changing his plans. McCain, the champion of fair election funding, is finding ways to circumvent the FEC - how convenient.

If a candidate can't be trusted to keep their word during a campaign, why should we believe that they will be any different in office? Both options for '08 appear to be opportunists purely interested in advancing their respective political careers. This is especially true for Barack Obama who has done nothing to-date that speaks otherwise. At least McCain put in work at the Senate level and helped author important legislation. Unfortunately, it just so happens that he may undo some of his most important political work with his bid for the presidency. Sadly, I doubt these actions will have any impact whatsoever on the campaign. It seems to me that actions are far less important than sound bytes and web sites.

Bloomberg 2012!